Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rose Pistachio Turkish Delight

I didn't always like Turkish delight. I used to associate it with the horrible cheap stuff in the UK that comes covered in chocolate and then packaged in chocolate bar wrapping. This tasted like hard jelly blocks infused with some discerning flavouring, and really was not nice at all. However this all changed when I visited Istanbul in my teens. Here I got to taste the truly amazing sweet in its real form. Where better to try Turkish delight than in Turkey itself?! Real Turkish delight tastes like delicately sweet and aromatic pieces of jelly, dusted lightly in powdered sugar. Definitely moreish. And I am glad to say that it isn't difficult to get good quality Turkish delight now, whether in London or Dubai.

My favourite Turkish delight flavour has always been rose, and I knew when I decided to make it I could only make it in that flavor. Along with pistachios, it is another perfect partnership in food marriage. This is another sweet which I thought would be so difficult to make myself. Turkish delight is seen almost as a delicacy; exotic and other-worldly, that in my far-off mind it seemed only a recipe  trained Turkish masters know the secret of. Yet I was very wrong!

It does take a bit of effort, as there is a lot of stirring whilst the jelly thickens, but eventually it all comes together, and once its ready and hardened, you officially have your own homemade Turkish delight!

This makes many many pieces so its great for giving away to friends in small favour boxes. Just make sure to add lots of the icing sugar/cornflour mixture to keep the pieces from sticking to one another and to remain fresh .

Rose Pistachio Turkish Delight

Barely adapted from The Guardian

Makes 80 pieces

375g caster sugar
Juice of half lemon
25g gelatine powder
100g cornflour
25g icing sugar
4 tspns rosewater
Pink food colouring gel
50g pistachios, roughly chopped
Sunflower oil, for brushing tin

Add the sugar and lemon juice with 300ml of water in a medium-sized pan. Stir over low heat until sugar has dissolved, then bring gently to the boil. Mix the gelatine with 75g of the cornflour and 200ml water and add to the pan. Stir constantly until the gelatine has dissolved, then continue to simmer very gently for 20 minutes until thickened. Meanwhile mix together the remaining cornflour and the icing sugar. Lightly oil a 20cm square baking tin and line it with clingfilm. Lightly dust the clingfilm with some of the cornflour mixture. Remove the pan from the heat and set aside to cool. Add the rosewater, food colouring and pistachios and pour the mixture into the tin. Spread level and leave to cool for at least 4-6 hours or until completely set. Cut into squares and dust with the rest of the icing sugar and cornflour mixture. Store in an airtight container for upto a week.


  1. I love turkish delight, I'll have to try that! Thanks for sharing!

  2. These are actually very popular here
    I think you did a great jog - they definitely look super delicious!

    1. Thanks Winnie! I'm glad Turkish Delight is also well known in the US, I think it is seriously under-rated!

  3. I only ever heard of Turkish Delight in the Narnia movie The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and it didn't sound appealing. This does! Maybe if I am brave I will try this! Visiting you from Tasty Tuesdays!

    1. Thank you AnnMarie. I would love to know what you think of it when you try it for the first time!

  4. Just stunning! Every time I see Turkish Delights I immediately think of the holidays! It's a tradition...these look sooo beautiful, Beela.

    Found your beautiful blog through Two Cup Tuesday!


    1. Thank you Tammy! Such a sweet comment from you!

  5. Lightly sugar dusted Turkish delights made in Turkey are delicious. I loved it..

  6. Wow that's a wonderfull blog having all details & helpful. Rose Turkish Delight


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